Liquid non-fungible tokens

An NFT is a Liquid asset with asset amount equal to 0.00000001 (1 sat) and zero reissunace tokens. We will use asset registry contract with some custom fields in order to save a commitment to a NFT contract.

L-NFT Protocol Liquid issuer L-NFT Explorer (TBD)

Embedded content

e97eb5d75ec4403969d1828f9d7f6755dd86fcc3402c01b01e562eb59ccdeeb6 - String based NFT

16d9494ee5a2b82f1cf4d2f9a999a3d5d274030d888af2c4f0a532166d723bc3 - Bible NFT

Embedded content

8141fa5e74f9b7f947da340a0a0ea41ed625b8fec8bb47627f9620438f56e09c - Bitcoin Whitepaper